Oscar Romero

Full Professor

Oscar Romero


I was born in Lleida, where I took my BSc in Computer Science. I then moved to Barcelona where I finished my studies (old BSc equivalent nowadays to BSc+MSc) and did my PhD that I successfully defended on 2010. I started my research in the field of Data Warehousing focusing on the automation of data warehouse modeling and ETL workflows. Since then, I shifted my research to more complex scenarios, such as Big Data, Data Science and data-driven Artificial Intelligence but always with the idea of operationalizing and automating different stages of the complete lifecycle of data in data-intensive systems. Automation is king!

Currently, I have published 100+ papers on top venues and served as PC in top-tier conferences such as VLDB, ICDE, EDBT, ISWC, IEEE Big Data and supervised 8 PhD theses. I have also participated in +20 projects, including H2020 and Horizon Europe projects, Erasmus Mundus Joint PhD and Master programmes (IT4BI, IT4BI-DC, BDMA and DEDS), national research projects and have signed +15 contracts with leading IT companies. I also leaded the work group to initiate the master of Data Science at Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB).

On 2011 I earned a tenure-track position at UPC. In 2022 I was appointed as vicedean of postgraduate studies at FIB and from 2024 I am a full-professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.



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Research Interests

Data management, data lifecycle, data integration, semantic data