Besim Bilalli
Assistant Professor
Besim Bilalli is an Assistant Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He obtained his PhD with the topic “Learning the impact of data pre-processing for data analysis” in 2018, jointly from UPC (Spain) and Poznan University of Technology (Poland). In 2021 he was awarded the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship. His research interests are primarily on data management and engineering for data science. He has been involved in several technology transfer projects, such as in a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative to develop a data platform for Neglected Tropical Diseases and collaborating on a malaria diagnosis project with the Probitas Foundation. He is currently participating in multiple national and international research projects, including co-supervising PhD students. He actively participates in program committees, serves as a reviewer for conferences and journals, and contributes to organizing various international academic events.
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