Aniol Bisquert

Research Assistant

Aniol Bisquert


Aniol Bisquert was born in Vic, Catalunya. He holds a Master’s in Data Science and a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). His academic journey began with a bachelor’s thesis that introduced a metaheuristic approach to solving complex problems in computational graphs, arising his interest in tackling the challenges of Big Data in real-world applications.

During his master’s studies, he deepened his expertise in graph learning, federated data ecosystems, and big data governance. He has contributed to research in these areas through his current role as a Research Assistant with the DTIM group at UPC, as well as through his involvement in collaborative projects aimed at enhancing big data management. His work focus on optimizing complex data management processes (data discovery, data interoperability, information retrieval) through data-driven solutions.

Aniol’s academic path also inlcudes international experiences, with study stays at institutions such as KTH in Sweden, Aalto in Finland, DTU in Denmark, and BIT in China.



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Research Interests

Graph Learning, Data Governance, Data Interoperability
